
Dispute Opinions

In case of a dispute between a buyer and seller regarding the authenticity of an Hermès handbag or other item, bababebi is often retained by one party to provide an opinion. The opinion addresses all the issues of the item. The certificate opinion is issued on bababebi’s letterhead and is prepared by Dimity Giles who writes the opinion on behalf of bababebi. The certificate meets all the guidelines of PayPal, eBay and credit card companies.

Dispute opinions issued by bababebi have been accepted by banks and credit card companies in the United States, the United Kingdom and Asia, by PayPal and eBay, by the Los Angeles Police Department in a criminal case and in a court litigation case in the capital city of an Asian country, among others. bababebi’s clients have always been successful in authenticity disputes.

Expert Witness Testimony

In cases of litigation between a buyer and a seller bababebi, represented by Dimity Giles, can provide expert witness testimony about the authenticity or lack thereof of the Hermès handbag or handbags under dispute. The participation of bababebi in a court hearing is normally preceded by the issuance of dispute opinions.

Appraisals for Insurance

bababebi provides statements of replacement value of Hermès items for insurance purposes based on pictures supplied by the client according to bababebi’s specifications.

In Person Authentications

bababebi can provide in person authentication subject to special arrangement and the availability of Ms. Giles.

Speaking Engagements

Ms. Giles, on behalf of bababebi, is available for public speaking engagements.